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Draw and Simulation

Innovative solution to draw and rendering for the fabric Simulation with a very realistic effect

Solution that allows to simulate a large variety of stitches with the possibility to choose the yarn type, having many different combinations such as single jersey, double jersey, jaquard also with transfer jaquard, structure and cable, fully fashion, rib with tuck, and many other stitches. It’s moreover possible to see realistic stretch, creases, distorsions based on the kind of Simulation you would like to have

Advantages of using this technology

Thanks to the simplicity with which the knitting simulations can be generated, it can also be used by people without a high level of knitting know-how behind them, thus allowing companies to quickly include new professional figures in their production staff

Digital solution towards sustainable fashion

This digital solution offers a path towards sustainable fashion by allowing a completely digital decision-making process, bringing significant savings in costs, time and a big advantage from an environmentalist perspective as today there is a lot of waste as we are not able to see a simulated preview but have to go to produce sample garments on the machinery every time

ContactDevelopment team

Knitwear simulation directly on a 3D model

It is possible to dress a mannequin directly from the knitting simulation

PaintKnit and Selftryon

Sampling done on Paintknit is streamlined and ideas come through Tryon to the style department, stores and showrooms faster

Simulation with realistic effect

It’s possible to draw in an easy and intuitive way, to simulate the result with a realistic and accurate effect, used in flatting machines

Paintknit is suitable for:

PaintKnit is userfriendly and good for many kind of users, like CAD 3D fashion designers to realize simulations as rendering, fashion designer and stylists,,  technical programmers for flatting and circular knitting machinery, technical designer

Export and Import

It’s possible to export and import file for 3D CAD most known, including CAD for flatting and circular machinery

Color variants

With a sophisticated tool it’s possible to generate various different colors for the Simulation. From a palette with suggestions about most recents cloud color trends, but also from internet images, it allows you to adjust the color harmony, ensuring correct balance and explore color, hues and tints in a useful and intuitive way.

You can see how various colors look, based on different kinds of yarn too, like with knots, mohair and others

3D Technology

It’s possible to rotate the camera and have both front and back view of the Simulation, being a true 3D

Innovative solutions

For PaintKnit we used advanced technologies like AI – ML – AR – VR

Real Time Rendering

It was very important for us to develop PaintKnit to be very userfriendly and with a high rendering speed; in fact, all functions like color variations, image panning, change yarn are calculated in real time also with very big and complicated patterns

2D e 3D approach

Technicians have the possibility to work on technic graphic 2D and see the 3D Simulation in real time and viceversa


Fashion stylists and designers

Pattern PaintKnit

Some pattern examples

These are only some examples of what it’s possible to realize with PaintKnit, like particular tuck to create creases and distorsions from stitches

Difficult stitches' combinations

You can see how the result is very realistic, using special algorithms the various stitches simulated are influenced by characteristics of used motifs and pattern density

Create new Patterns

From a sketch or a draw directly to the Simulation

PaintKnit allows to obtain from a simple sketch an image simulated that represents for real what users would like to draw

Advanced Instruments

The advanced instrument to draw and a very big stitches’ gallery already prepared, can guide al kind of users (less experts too) to create very complicated Simulations

Technical 2D pattern generation

By using codes and automated processes with knit language user create the 2D technical pattern for knitting machineries in general

Stitches Gallery

Extended stitches’ gallery

PaintKnit is supplied with an extended stitches gallery. Stitches are divided in different categories(like Jaquard, structure, Intarsia…) and by using filters it will be easy to find stitches desired

Stitches Gallery

User can easily create and add new stitches and combinations

Apply Yarn

Yarn’s gallery

PaintKnit allows (by a sofisticated algorithm) to simulate a stitch with different kind of yarns, like mélange, with long or short hair, and many other kind of yarns

Yarn Gallery

Vast gallery with the possibility to be extended by users, by easily adding and creating new yarns and combinations

Color variations

Sophisticated Tool for the yarns’ color variations

With a sophisticated tool it’s possible to generate various different colors for the Simulation. From a palette with suggestions about most recents cloud color trends, but also from internet images, it allows you to adjust the color harmony, ensuring correct balance and explore color, hues and tints in a useful and intuitive way.

You can see how various colors look, based on different kinds of yarn too, like with knots, mohair and others

Yarn's color variations

It’s easy to assign a different color to any yarn used on the pattern, and see in real time a realistic result on the simulation

PaintKnit Tryon

Visualization of textures on selftryon totems

PaintKnit Tryon, the display of SelfTryOn totem and its full set of features allow you to create designs and take them to the next level with a realistic view of the garment being worn. The tools present allow you to rotate, enlarge, move and interact with Tryon, choose the animations, the various types of models, the scenes and then apply the textures in real time, enhancing the colorway and photorealistic rendering characteristics.

Style department, shops...

Sampling is thus simplified and ideas get to the style department, shops and showrooms faster

PaintKnit and Metaverse

Digital fashion industry
PaintKnit can be used by 3D fashion designers, character artists, animators and fashion professionals to create collections and knits directly in the METAVERSE platforms that feature realistic clothing options


Create photorealistic textures to Metaverse

Cloths directly into the METAVERSE platforms


View the scene through virtual reality

PaintKnit VR

View advanced 3D using virtual reality

PaintKnit gives the possibility to view the scene through virtual reality using oculus or other devices…

View with oculus or other devices

Advanced 3D visualization with VR technology


Knitting Technicians and Programmers

Paintknit for technicians

Programmers for flatting machines

PaintKnit is very useful for knitting machines’ programmers, because allows to create pattern very complicated too; in fact, it allows to have a real preview of the final result without material producing pattern with machine. Simulation clearly shows any kind of eventual programming errors

2D e 3D Approach

Technicians have the possibility to work on 2D technical graphicsand see the 3D Simulation in real time and viceversa

3D Technology

PaintKnit can be used by different kind of knitting machines’ programmers, for example flatting machines, fully fashion, integral garment… so for a many different users, without having a specific knowledge of machines. PaintKnit allows to generate a compatible file with the most common knitting machines CAD, this allows to intensely reduce time to produce and realize pattern, simplifying collaborations betweek stylist, designers and technicians

Export and Import

PaintKnit can be used also to import pattern realized with the most common knitting machines’ CAD, to then applicate simulation and see the realistic result. This import allows to test pattern and see any kind of stitch like Jaquard, Integral garment, Intarsia, cables and many others

Stitches and difficult combinations

These patterns’ rendering allows to simulate a large variety of stitches in a very realistic way

Generation of machine program from technical sheet

Generate machine program (flatting machinery…) by using codes, option lines and software processes automated with KNIT language, and material realize pattern in machine


CAD 3D users for clothing

Paintknit and 3D modelling

Exported Texture to quickly realize clothes in 3D

PaintKnit can be ysed from the most common CAD 3D users (like CLO3D, Marvellous, Brouwser, 3D design and any other 3D CAD) to then create texture to use in these 3D CAD. This allows to create very realistic pattern in such a short time


It’s possible to share prototype with all the team and do immediate modifications of the texture obtaining faithful reproduction of the pattern which will be realized, allowing stylist, designers and technicians to collaborate in a very efficient way

3D Technology

Paintknit is an instrument that allows to realize textures highly reducing number of phisical prototypes and improving understood between style, model and technician

Export and Import

Easy to integrate to common 3D CAD allowing stylist, designer and model to collaborate each other

Time efficiency

High reducing time in prototypes’ realization


Knitting Machinery manufacturers

PaintKnit combined to Cad 2D

PaintKnit is compatible with existing 2D CAD

Paintknit can be combined to any Knitting 2D CAD made by companies who project and build flatting knitting machines, and allows stylist and designer to collaborate with respective techicians

Look valuation

By generation of the texture in PaintKnit, it’s possible to valuate look and realize many variations quicker, doing modifications in real time without work on machines, using less resources too

3D Technology

With PaintKnit 3D Technology the company can benefit by offering to customers an advanced technology, and offer a product that can really help users to develop new fabric samples in a very quick and easy way

Export 2D pattern

PaintKnit gives as a result a 2D pattern which can be processed to generate machine file. 2D pattern generated had already all technical information assigned with established codes, according by company

Time efficiency

Highly reducing of the prototype realization



The starting point of every realization!
Transform your idea into a realistic knitting simulation with various color and yarn effects you want!

Request version release information

The Logica team is at your disposal!
Try PAINTKNIT for 30 days for free!
  • The trial version includes the full version of PAINTKNIT with all its functionality and features.
  • Once downloaded, they will start counting the 30 days and you will not be able to pause them.
  • You can only use the trial version of PAINTKNIT once per device and per email.
  • No credit card, no commitments.
  • Your subscription will not automatically renew at the end of the trial period.

Hardware configuration

List component
OS Windows 11
Processor Intel® Core-i9 or more. ( minimum I7 )
Memory 32GB  ( minimum 16 )
Graphics card NVIDIA® GeForce RTX series.

Suggested  with 12 GB of memory or more 

Storage HDD SSD 1T or more
Screen 4K 32″ ( Using 2 monitors is highly recommended for
being able to have multiple windows open at the same time
Input device  mouse
Network Internet connection is required

Does Paintknit have a trial version?


Does Paintknit have a trial version?



Yes, there is a 30 day free trial.

For both the Basic version and the Advanced version you can have a 30-day free trial.
When you first purchase the Paintknit License, you will not be prompted to enter any payment types and the 30 days will start automatically upon confirmation. Once the 30-day trial period has expired, you can confirm the License and enter your credit card by logging into your account console.



Contact us for more information.

Can you customize Paintknit software for business?


Can you customize Paintknit software for business?



Yes, the software can be customized according to customer needs.
In this case the “Advanced Plus” license is required


Contact us to request and get more information based on your needs.

How do I register to purchase Paintknit ?


How do I register to purchase Paintknit ?




To purchase the Paintknit license, you first need to register with the following procedure:


  • Access to MyAccount  page and enter your email. An email will automatically be sent to you in which you can change your password. At this point, having access credentials (email and password) you can purchase the Paintknit license and manage your account independently


Contact us for more information

How do I download the Paintknit installer?


How do I download the Paintknit installer?



After purchasing the paid license or the trial version, you will be able to access your account where you will find:

  • The license number to enter when you first start Paintknit
  • Your credentials such as Email and Password to be entered when you first start Paintknit
  • The installation file available in the download section


Contact us for more information.

Is it possible to Upgrade/Downgrade my active license?


Is it possible to Upgrade/Downgrade my active license?



Yes, it is possible by accessing your account —>>> go to the “My Subscription” tab and then select UPGRADE/ DOWNGRADE —>>> then you will make the payment if it is not a trial period. The old license is automatically canceled and replaced with the new one and the next time you log in to Paintknit it is not necessary to insert the new license.

*Please note that UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE of your existing subscription, in case of remaining time is non-refundable.
*The free trial does not renew and continues with the initial date.


Contact us for more information.

Is there a Paintknit license dedicated for students?


Is there a Paintknit license dedicated for students?



Yes, Paintknit has a individual license dedicated for students.


Contact us to request it and get more information.

Is there a Paintknit plan dedicated to schools?


Is there a Paintknit plan dedicated to schools?



Yes, Painknit ha a plan dedicated to schools.


Contact us to request it and get more information based on your needs.

What is the difference between the Basic and Advanced version?


What is the difference between the Basic and Advanced version?



The “Advanced” version in addition to the “Base” version has the possibility of having:

  • Fitting on the Mannequin 3D
  • Database Stitch advanced
  • Database Yarn advanced



Contact us for more information.

Does Paintknit require an internet connection to work?


Does Paintknit require an internet connection to work?



Yes, to work Paintknit must have an internet connection always active



Contact us for more information.

Does Paintknit dress the knitwear simulation on mannequin 3D?


Does Paintknit dress the knitwear simulation on mannequin 3D?



Yes, Paintknit can dress 3d mannequin. From Paintknit it is possible to generate knitwear simulation and after use it to finnitng on mannequin 3D



Contact us for more information.

How much does Paintknit cost?


How much does Paintknit cost?




Paintknit offers some different lecense type :

  • Paintknit for STUDENT (For more information about student discounts please contact us)
  • Paintknit for SCHOOL  ( To receive a customized quotation please contact us)
  • Paintknit BASE version for individual 
    Monthly Annual
    Euro: 100 Euro: 1000
  • Paintknit ADVANCED version for individual
    Monthly Annual
    Euro: 150 Euro: 1500
  • Paintknit ADVANCED PLUS version ( To receive a customized quotation following your request, please contact us)


*To contact us please fill out the form that you will find in the section below: 

“Licenses inquiries: STUDENT, SCHOOL and ADVANCED PLUS”


    Choose the license that’s right for you

    • CHECK the HARDWARE characteristics necessary for the correct operation of Paintknit
    • NOTE: while using Paintknit you must always be connected to the Internet. Also take a look at the FAQ…


    30 days free trial
    € 100/monthly- € 1000/annual Tax, VAT not included. / Individual license


    Graphics Design & Help Online

    Simulation Knitwear

    Stitch Database STANDARD

    Yarn Database STANDARD

    Yarn Colorway tool

    Tryon & Fashion show

    Standard Export 2D pattern

    Fitting on the mannequin 3D

    File customization for the various knitting machine models

    Custom live demos & live support

    INFO ?Contact us to request an individual license   Log in to your account…


    30 days free trial
    € 150/monthly- € 1500/annual Tax, VAT not included. / Individual license


    Graphics Design & Help Online

    Simulation Knitwear

    Stitch Database ADVANCED

    Yarn Database ADVANCED

    Yarn Colorway tool

    Tryon & Fashion show

    Standard Export 2D pattern

    Fitting on the mannequin 3D

    File customization for the various knitting machine models

    Custom live demos & live support

    INFO ?Contact us to request an individual license   Log in to your account…


    Special discount!
    Price to be defined Dedicated plan individual license


    Graphics Design & Help Online

    Simulation Knitwear

    Stitch Database ADVANCED

    Yarn Database ADVANCED

    Yarn Colorway tool

    Tryon & Fashion show

    Standard Export 2D pattern

    Fitting on the mannequin 3D

    File customization for the various knitting machine models

    Custom live demos & live support

    INFO Contact us to apply the plan for STUDENTS, HIGH SCHOOLS, COLLEGE and UNIVERSITIES worldwide


    Dedicated proposal!
    Price to be defined Custom license plan


    Graphics Design & Help Online

    Simulation Knitwear

    Stitch Database ADVANCED

    Yarn Database ADVANCED

    Yarn Colorway tool

    Tryon & Fashion show

    Standard Export 2D pattern

    Fitting on the mannequin 3D

    File customization for the various knitting machine models

    Custom live demos & live support

    INFO Contact us to request the “ADVANCED PLUS” version which will be customized for your company, offering you multiple options for customizing the software according to your needs
    Generate realistic knit simulation
    Expert of flatting knitting machines

    3D CAD fashion designers

    Make simulations to use as renderings

    Export to other applications

    The possibility of sending textures to other applications

    Textile machinery industry

    Specific software for textile machineries' manufacturers


    We are Trusted by Cool Companies

    Check out our main customers and partners for Research and Innovation

    We are proud to join forces with leading technology partners around the world. Over the years we can boast important collaborations with large multinational corporations

    Company Established
    Projects Done
    Happy Clients
    Business Partners


    Meet our team

    Specialisti leader del settore


    Stefano Savoia

    CEO, Co-founder of Logica S.r.l company

    Gianni Savoia

    CTO, Co-founder of Logica S.r.l company

    Core Team

    Davide Frignani

    General Manager

    Degree IT

    Roberto Rossetti

    SW Architect, Senior Developer

    Graduated informatic and IT

    Massimo Tioli

    R&D Manager, Senior Developer

    Degreed Informatic

    Federica Savoia

    RD, Customer Care

    Graduated Economics & Informationl Business

    Cristian Malagoli

    IT Manager, Senior Developer

    Graduated IT, Informatics Specialist

    Delmo Hernandez

    Senior Developer

    Graduated IT, Informatics Specialist AI

    Luca Savoia

    Graphic Programmer

    Specialist on Knitting & Design

    Mattia Savoia

    3D Software Developer

    Graduated IT, Informatics Specialist AI (neural network, machine learning, deep learning)

    Gabriele Savoia

    3D Software Developer

    Graduated IT, Informatics Specialist AI (neural network, machine learning, deep learning)